It's the day after you finish baking all those Pineapple Tarts for the Lunar New Year and there you are... staring at the mountain of Pineapple Tart filling left from a serious case of Estimation Failure. No worries, here's a recipe for a dessert that you can make for your Lunar New Year guests that's in keeping with the Pineapple theme that will be a refreshing change from the usual tarts. (Pineapple features strongly in Lunar New Year festivities as the direct translation of the chinese dialect word for Pineapple is 'Good fortune Come', and we all know we can never get enough of good fortune :) !

Let's dive right in now, shall we?

Pineapple Tart Filling
Shredded Coconut
Cream Cheese
Crushed Cookies for base
Whipping Cream
Pineapple Juice

Beat room temperature Cream Cheese till light and fluffy
Add Pineapple Tart Filling
Add Coconut Flakes
Beat to combine
Taste to adjust sweetness level by adding more pineapple and/or coconut flakes
In a separate bowl, beat whipping cream till light and fluffy. Be careful not to overbeat otherwise you will be faced with a bowl of curdled cream. If that happens, there's no saving it. Just toss it out and start again.
Fold Tart/Coconut Cream Cheese mixture into the whipped cream
Fill jars with crushed cookies of your choice.
Pipe Cream Cheese mixture into jars.
Bring Pineapple juice to a boil, then add enough corn starch (Always dissolve Corn Starch in room temperature water before adding it into any thing, otherwise you will have a lumpy instead of a smooth paste.
Let cool, then pipe into jars.
Refrigerate, and if possible, for at least a few hours or overnight even.